
Two young Jamaicans get married at Trident castle in beautiful Port Antonio, Jamaica. The Bride, Janet, being wealthy, due to her catering business success and ambitious, immigrates to Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, with her new husband, Chris. Chris is a talented chef. Janet’s sister Andrea announces her wedding gift to the newlyweds in a phone call to Janet on her wedding day. Andrea’s call starts in her car, which is parked in front of a mixed use building in suburban Sudbury. Andrea is a real estate agent that runs a business in the Sudbury area. She has just purchased a mixed-use building and is making it her wedding present to Janet. The sister’s dream is to open a Jamaican restaurant in an under served market and see if they can make a million dollars. The mixed-use building is their chance to realize their dream. Janet and Chris move to Sudbury to open a restaurant. It is called the Port Royal.

Although Janet has lived in Canada before, Chris has never left Jamaica. Winter in Canada will be an entirely new experience for him and he’s looking forward to it. Being film savvy Chris records the events of their enterprise in a series digital diary entries, mostly. The entries begin innocently enough. Chris is initially charmed by the beauty of his new environment, but when winter begins to settle in and the realities of living in Canada start to hit home: the snow, the cold, shelter, heating, etc., things begin to change for Chris and Janet. It becomes a struggle for them to keep up with the change and soon change gets the better of them. The effects are hardest on Chris. The effects test their faith in Canada and cause them to ask themselves whether or not they should return home to sweet Jamaica.

Hello world!

Janet and Chris Patterson

I’m Canadian and a Jamaican. My name is Andy Davis and I am a filmmaker. I have a degree in Photographic Arts, from Ryerson University, Toronto. I’ve made one film. A 1991 award winning documentary called “Good Hair Pretty Hair Curly Hair”. It can be found on YouTube, check it out. My latest work is called Pattersons a Farin. It is dedicated to the story “The Jamaican who moved to Manitoba”, because it hilariously reflects well upon my own experience. The film draws together the story and my own early immigrant experience and puts it in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. The place where my family as new immigrants to Canada first came face to face with a Canadian winter. The effects I believe are hilarious, if not interesting. Thanks, A.